I recently purchased the domain name www.mormoncartoonist.com. That means you'll no longer have to type in the additional ".blogspot" that used to go with this website. Hopefully, this won't be too much trouble for you.
And if it is, you can always email me your complaints to my new email address.
Now you're officially official. How much does it cost (ballpark) to purchase your own domain name? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteTechnically, no one can purchase a web domain. You just rent it from year to year. I paid the low, low price of $10 for the first year of this site. Of course, anyone can have their own blog on blogspot.com for free.
ReplyDeleteThat is cool the .com was available so you didn't have to go with something else.
ReplyDeleteSo you're saying for the low, low price of $10 a year I can rent www.mormoncartoonistcritic.com?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you make it www.TheGrumpyMormonCartoonistCritic.com?