Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day Special

What's that? You don't think this joke has anything to do with Valentine's Day? How about February 14, 1929--Chicago, Illinois?


  1. Edgy, very edgy. But a perfect Valentine's Day cartoon.

    I can't imagine why this one didn't make the New Era.

  2. I laughed before I even read anything. Just the drawing itself is funny.

  3. And I was hoping for a YSA themed Valentine's cartoon. One perhaps depicting a YSA's perspective on the ever so popular "Stake Valentine's Dance" where it's your ward of singles and 6-7 wards of older married couples. Sounds like fun doesn't it?

  4. Ben, I actually came up with a Stake Dance themed joke while I was thinking about Valentine's Day. But I thought I'd submit it to The New Era first. While I love posting stuff onto this blog, I love getting paid for my stuff even more.

  5. Totally understandable. I look forward to seeing it in The New Era. Please let us know if it makes it in.

  6. You should have added in one more "knee caps and toes". It would have been more accurate that way.
