Monday, August 2, 2010

Lock Your Hearts

Butterflies in your stomach and sweaty palms are not phrases usually used to describe the Holy Ghost.


  1. So, it's not actually a "still, small, silky voice"?

    BTW I never seemed to have this particular problem when I was a missionary.

  2. My companion and I once were invited back for an appointment with a single man around 30 (we were allowed to teach the first appointment in my mission before turning someone over to the elders). When we arrived he was wearing a turtleneck and a sweater and had the lights dimmed...

  3. Is this where I confess that I was once stalked by an investigator? Thank goodness we had some strong sister missionaries!

    I'd almost been able to supress that memory. Thanks, Arie!

  4. Creepy men harassing Sister missionaries? Crazed stalkers after Elders? I suppose this strip isn't much of a joke at all.

  5. It gets worse. Marc had a 40+ year old guy that kept taking Marc and his former model companion to the fanciest restaraunts in Quebec. They kept hoping the discussions were working. Needless to say, he never got baptized.
