Monday, November 29, 2010

Church Services and Hamburgers

It is no exaggeration to state that I ate more McDonald's food the two years I spent in Slovenija than all the years since. I suppose that now that I'm home, I don't need the Golden Arches to feel at home.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Kiddie Table

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Managing the Press

In some ways missionary work hasn't changed much since the days of Paul. But in other ways, things have changed a ton since I wore the badge a mere 16 years ago. Here's yet another comic which may or may not apply to today's missionary. Does anyone know if missionaries today write their weekly letters to the Mission President on paper or if they email it to him?

I feel so old.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guilting Lessons

I'd like to take full credit for today's gag, but I can't. I got the idea while at a fireside where the speaker swore someone actually made this typo. (Well, he didn't literally swear--that would be quite the fireside, wouldn't it?) Like I said, I'd like to take full credit, but to do so would leave me feeling guilty and I don't quilt.

Monday, November 15, 2010

On the Campaign Trail

It's my understanding that the Church no longer uses the term "splits," but that the vernacular is now "exchanges." Can anyone verify this?

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I think we can all agree that Ammon is awesome. Although, I imagine it would be hard to listen to a religious message with an open heart and mind from a missionary who chopped off your arm. (Incidentally, I drew the eyes of the would-be sheep thief extra buggy on purpose. If you met a sword wielding missionary as awesome as Ammon, you'd go all Marty Feldman too.)

On a completely different topic, my cartoons are now featured in yet another location of the web. Meridian Magazine, the online LDS web magazine, runs a gag of mine every Tuesday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Disturbing Insight

Until I get bored of it, I'm going to continue running strips dealing with Elder Blank's ambition to be called as an Assistant to the President.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Even More Election Day Coverage

Here's a gag to correspond with Election Day. I'm sure there's a David Archuleta joke in here somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What's Scarier Than Halloween?

Yesterday was Halloween and tomorrow is the Day of the Dead throughout much of the world and Election Day here in the United States. Talk about a trifecta of terror!

My missionary cartoons feature a companion of Elder Van Dyke who is angling to become the Assistant to the President. I always liked drawing strips featuring Elder Blank's schemes to get appointed to that position, because it allowed me to gently satire politicians. I guess you could say there's a little political cartoonist in me.