Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another Cartooning Cliche

Several months ago we had a caption contest on this blog where I asked you to provide suitable captions to one of the most cliche cartoons in all of cartoondom--the deserted island. I had so much fun reading your submissions, that I decided to do another one. Today's cartooning cliche in need of your captions is the guy sitting on the psychiatrist's couch.
Please share your best captions, otherwise, I'll never feel the need to draw the guy crawling through the desert gag.


  1. I just have a feeling we are only companions because our last names are Moore and Monns?

  2. President, I know you were a psychiatrist, but do you really have to interview us on a couch?

  3. Jon,

    That's a good one! I'll try to think of something but I think you hit on the winner.

  4. "Speaking of mothers, Dr. Freud, were you aware that families can be forever?"

  5. "No Doc, I'm not hearing voices, just a voice. Kind of still and small, whispering things like: read your scriptures, listen to your mission president, knock on that door. Things of that nature."

  6. So, you're saying that my dream of 7 fat cows and 7 lean cows has something to do with my fear of dating after my mission?

  7. I have this recurring dream that Utah will name a "state gun," but I know that just sounds crazy.

  8. Once again, I am in awe of your cleverness. Good job, everyone.

  9. My balloon dialog

    Doctor, I will be going home next week and I have this tremendous separation anxiety, just like I had two years ago.

    G. Hasty, UT
