Thursday, July 28, 2011

Overcome with the Spirit

A speaker in Book of Mormon times would have a hard time knowing if he gave a really good talk or a really boring talk since the result was often the same. Consider all the examples of people overcome with the spirit and slipping into unconsciousness during the Sons of Mosiah's mission alone: there's Lamoni (twice), Lamoni's wife and servants, Lamoni's father, and Ammon (twice).

It happened with such regularity that I'm sure in today's world, they'd check for carbon monoxide poisoning and narcolepsy.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mormon Pioneers, You Just Travelled 1,200 Miles, What Are You Going To Do Next?

The Salt Lake Valley is a beautiful place to live. I love the mountains, the seasons, and the history. Sometimes, though, I wonder (usually in the middle of winter) what the pioneers must have thought when they were told they would be stopping in Utah. They must have heard reports from members of the Mormon Battalion (who by July 24, 1847 had already been in San Diego for six months) of the temperate, paradise where they were stationed.

Here's a theory that I'll propose: perhaps in Brigham Young's sickened state--he was suffering the effects of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever when the saints first arrived in the Salt Lake Valley--Brother Brigham stumbled over his words and said, "This is the right place. Drive on." When what he meant to say was, "Yeah, right, this place? Drive on."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Green Men

I met a lady very much like the one depicted in today's strip while on my mission. Needless to say, we didn't make an appointment for a second discussion.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Ward Employment Specialist

This week's gag is featured in the July New Era.

I imagine the calling of ward employment specialist would be one of the most difficult assignments you could get (and, no, this isn't some reverse psychology thing where secretly I want this calling--I really think it would be tough). Most of the time, the employment specialist knows nothing more than anyone else about finding a job (and in this economy, is probably just as worried as anyone else about keeping his or her job), has to struggle with constant feelings of inadequacy, and has to fret over the employment status of his or her friends and neighbors .

Of course, this all gets exponentially harder if on top of all of that, the employment specialist has to find babysitting jobs for half of the primary.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dinner Appointment

I reread President Uchtdorf's excellent talk to the Relief Society titled "Happiness, Your Heritage" yesterday. In the talk, he contrasted his wife's excellent cooking with his less than stellar culinary skills. Strangely, though, of the two, she's the self-conscious one when serving a meal.

Much like the sister in today's strip, I'd imagine.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Perpetual Entertainment Fund

Today's gag shows why a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. These parents are going to want to have a talk with whichever seminary teacher taught their teenagers about these Church programs.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What's More American Than...

Today's strip is another rerun, but I wanted to capture something American on, this, the Fourth of July--and what's more American than a Scottish sounding restaurant? (Judging from our ever-expanding waist sizes, not much.)