
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hostess Apocalypse

I usually avoid topical subjects on this blog so my gags have a timeless quality,* but the demise of Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and other bad-for-you pastries was a subject too sweet to pass up. Sadly, my food storage is also lacking in Hostess yummies, instead it's full of useless stuff like dry milk and red wheat.

*Although, that doesn't always work so well.


  1. I don't think a year supply of hostess snacks would last even if you had it. Remember our year supply of crappy candy when we were kids? We were sneaking that crap everyday. What would have happened if we had ding dongs at our disposal?

    1. Good point, Jena. If I had compiled the number of pastries I would need for a year's supply of Hostess yummies, perhaps the company wouldn't have gone into bankruptcy.

  2. Twinkies in food storage isn't a bad idea, considering the shelf life of a twinkie is supposedly 12 years.

    1. Speaking of the shelf life of Twinkies, there's a scene in Wall-e where Wall-e shares a twinkie with his pet cockroach. I guess the upside to Hostess's demise is that now the horrific Wall-e future timeline has been eliminated.

  3. Just wait until we have to use that food storage. I will be able to use our dehydrated cream filling and whip you up some homemade Twinkies:)
