Monday, April 29, 2013

Behind the Wheel 3

My adventures driving a car on my mission never got to this level of danger although I did have the Mission President's wife chew me out for attempting a particular gutsy move to pass a slower car while following her.

(This week's strip is one of my favorites.)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Friberg Nephite

To get today's joke, I guess you ought to be aware of who Arnold Friberg and Minerva Teichert are (or at the very least who Arnold Friberg is). I'll let you try to decide which Nephite belongs to which artist.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Behind the Wheel 2

(Today's strip at

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gaming and Girls

Today's comic appears in this month's New Era--slightly cleaned up. Before I submitted it to that magazine, I gave the kid a shave and took out all specific references to Princess Peach and Zelda. It still works, but I like this version better.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Behind the Wheel

The first time I drove a car on my mission, I had been serving for around a year. My companion, who had something like four more months to go, wanted nothing to do with it. I understood his fears: driving skills atrophy after that much time without.

(Check out this week's strip at

Thursday, April 11, 2013

General Conference Leftover

Here's a gag that should have run last week. (Next year, with the burdensome "March Madness" gags out of the way, it can.)

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 2013 General Conference Recap

Here is the General Conference recap. Feel free to use it as you see fit.

UPDATE: Sugar Doodle has just posted a printable version on its website.

Hump Day

I should have the conference recap up sometime early this afternoon--within plenty of time for Family Home Evening. In the meantime, check out Kevin Beckstrom's conference sketchbook. I think he's outdone himself this time.

(And check out another missionary strip at

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Signs of the Time

A couple of years ago I quit playing ward basketball. I suffered a shoulder injury diving for a loose ball that convinced me of my mortality. Well, this year I got the itch and decided to lace up my sneakers and give it another go. And you know the sports movies like The Rookie or Cinderella Man where the athlete takes a break from his sport for several years only to discover upon his return that in the interim he's become better than he's ever been?!

Real life is nothing like the movies.

I discovered that I am now a slower, less coordinated ball player than I was the last time I played (and I wasn't much then, either). Basketball isn't quite as fun as it use to be now that I'm permanently glued to the floor.

I realize that there is a time and season to everything and now is the time to walk away from the basketball court. It's okay, though, I had a good run.

Likewise, these March Madness comics have had a good run--five years now. But it is probably time to say goodbye to them as well. I've pretty much said all I can in the 15 gags I've produced. Come next March, I'll run some other middling gags in their place. Don't feel bad, though, just remember our "One Shining Moment".

Monday, April 1, 2013

General Conference is Coming

First, let's get this week's missionary comic out of the way. Pity Elder Van Dyke, his strip has been on this website for nearly four years and he's just now celebrating his hump day.

(And then read another strip at

General Conference is right around the corner and I've got a number of activities to make it a more pleasurable experience for you and your little ones.

First, if you have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad; you really ought to download LDS Coloring Book and LDS Scripture Heroes. Both have limited, free versions, but both are worth upgrading to the full versions for only $4.99 and $1.99 respectively.

LDS Laughs doesn't cost anything to download onto your Apple device, but I wouldn't recommend using it during Conference (maybe between sessions).

If you don't have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad; never fear there is still a bunch of stuff for you. You can always swing on over to your local Deseret Book and pick up the Puzzle Book for LDS Kids or Now That I Am Baptized. (Or you might find the A-MAZE-ing Book of Mormon or Mormon Life in Deseret Book's clearance section.)

I've also got some free activities for you and your family: You can download and print the all the coloring books from the LDS Coloring Book app here.

And you'll want to be sure to download this year's Conference Activity Packet at either LDS Clipart or Sugar Doodle.

Finally, for the first time ever thanks to the awesome work of Fressia Aguilara the General Conference Activity Packet is available in Spanish here. Thanks, Fressia!