
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Broken Heart

Today's gag is featured in the September 2013 New Era. Given my track record with that magazine, I'm surprised they didn't save it for the February 2014 issue.


  1. A Elder and I both moved into a new area at the same time a few days before my Birthday. Like normal we didn't get any mail until the following Monday after the Mission Office updated their mail system to forward their mail to the missionaries.

    The following month his Birthday was a few days after the next moves and I told him that he wouldn't get any cards until after his Birthday like I did because of the moves. He said that he would because he wasn't moving.

    The day of his Birthday he Got what looked like a Birthday Card. He showed it to me saying, "Ha, Elder Freestone, Ha."

    I still feel a little bad for laughing a few minutes later when it was a Wedding Invitation from his Girl Friend and not a Birthday Card.

    1. that totally sucks , the least she could have done was sent him a letter telling him she had found someone else and not just bombshell the poor guy with a wedding invite.

  2. Excellent gag, sir! Wish I'd written it!

    1. Funny, I thought the exact same thing about this one this morning.
