
Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Old Guru on Top of the Mountain Gag

Over the years I've done gags featuring some of the oldest cliches in cartooning. Today's comic features another tired cliche that cartoonists reach for when they're not feeling particularly clever.

Like the other cartooning cliches featured on this blog, I'm interested in seeing your take on this. Can you think of a better caption than the one featured? Please leave your captions in the comments section.


  1. One of the first cartoons I sold was this same cliche, two missionaries and a guru at the top of a mountain. One of the missionaries said, "And now we'd like to show you a filmstrip called, 'Man's Search for Happiness.'"

    1. Oh man, did I subconsciously steal from you again? Is that particular cartoon posted on your blog? I'd love to see it.

      I never realized there was filmstrip version of Man's Search for Happiness. Was it just a series of stills from the movie or something else altogether?

    2. Hey, I just found it. I'm surprised the New Era published a gag with so much skin. Somebody must not have been paying attention when that issue went to press.

  2. The expected attire for a missionary seems to have changed a bit since the older gentleman embarked on his mission... :)

  3. I think your caption is the best, but in the interest in fun, I'll try to think something up.

    Old man: "It's about time they sent up my replacement."
