Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hunting Prey

For the second week in a row, I'm using my newly created label "Groan-worthy Play on Words." If I'm honest with myself, I probably should have been using it for years now.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Missionary Backpack

(See this week's Deseret News comic here.)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Help Meet, er, Meat

Barbeque season (along with Summer, unofficially) starts this weekend--making today's gag particularly timely.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Ammon Verses Moroni

Let's hear it: Ammon or Captain Moroni. Please leave your vote in the comments section.

(And then check out this week's comic at

Thursday, May 16, 2013

You Like Me, You Really Like Me

This blog has gone far too long without a "Things Not To Say Over the Pulpit" gag. So, here's one today.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Tracting with the Right Attitude

Sometimes when tracting, you need to take even the smallest of victories.

(This week's strip is here.)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tracting Downton Abbey

I've seen a little Downton Abbey--the British television series shown on Masterpiece Theater on PBS. And while it might be hard to recognize it with all the period clothes and the accents, the show is totally a soap opera! You wait and see, I'm predicting an evil twin will show up in season four!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Behind the Wheel 4

This is the conclusion to Elder Van Dyke's automobile adventures. Amazingly, it doesn't end with Van Dyke and his companion in the hospital.

Recently, I put together something that anyone with young children, a primary calling, or an immature spouse might be interested in. It's a set of Scripture Hero bingo cards. You can print it off for free over at (it just might make this week's Family Home Evening a breeze).

(Check out this week's Deseret News strip here.)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2013 Summer Movie Preview

This is the post where I celebrate the number of big, mindless movies coming out this summer* as well as remind you that this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day.

When one thinks as much as I do about both Super Heroes and the LDS Church, the thought of which Super Heroes might join the Church naturally comes up. Below is my take on this critical issue:
  • Iron Man: No. The guy likes to drink too much to adhere to the Word of Wisdom (arguably his most famous comic book storyline involved Tony Stark's decent into alcoholism).
  • Batman: No. While the concept of eternal family would, no doubt, appeal to orphaned Bruce Wayne; candidates must show a little more of a willingness to forgive than Batman would be comfortable with before entering the water's of baptism.
  • Shazam: No. Shazam, aka Captain Marvel, aka "The Big Red Cheese" would readily accept the gospel. The only problem is, while Shazam is older than the age of accountability, his alter ego, Billy Batson, is not.
  • Captain America: Yes. See last year's post.
  • Hellboy**, Ghost Rider, Spawn: Please.
  • Thor, Hercules, Wonder Woman: No. They'd find it hard to give up their Norse and Greek Gods seeing as how, um, they are them.
Sadly, the Super Hero world doesn't look ready for the gospel.

*There is a ridiculous number of movies I'm excited for this summer including: Star Trek into Darkness, Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, Pacific Rim, Lone Ranger, Monsters University, The Wolverine, and World War Z. I'm going to have to start saving money now.

**Or, as we like to call him in our family: Heckboy.