
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Five Years!

This blog is five years old! To celebrate, I’ve selected my five favorite gags from the 250 plus I’ve published over the years. I’m also giving away another copy of my A-MAZE-ing Book of Mormon, but you’ll have to read to the end of the post to find out how to enter the giveaway.

Number 5
I cheated a little on this one because I’ve never run it on the blog before. It’s from my first book Mormon Life which you can occasionally find deeply clearanced at Deseret Book.

I’m including this in the countdown, in part, because it’s new to the blog. One of the things I am most proud of with this blog is that I’ve managed to provide something new each and every week for five years now. When I started I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to come up with another month’s worth of gags, let alone five years’ worth (to tell the truth, I’m still not sure month to month if I can come up with new stuff).

Number 4
No top five list could be complete without this one. To understand its importance to this blog and this cartoonist, read up on it herehere, and here.

Needless to say, I fully expect my obituary to mention the fact that I published a pinewood derby gag in the New Era.

Number 3
I love a gag that requires a little thought from my readers. I easily could have gone with another one in this spot, but I think I’m partial to this gag because it celebrates a couple of my favorite Mormon artists.

Number 2
At the time I published this gag, I declared this my favorite gag I’d ever done. I still really like it. I think there is something telling that the mother snowman shaved her carrot nose for the jell-o salad. (I’m a little offended, frankly, that some Mormon intellectual hasn’t written a 10,000-word essay on it.)

Number 1
It’s so elegant and simple. I wish all my stuff was as good as this one.

Now, it’s your turn. Share in the comment section your favorite comic of the week featured on this blog and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a free book. Contest ends the moment I post on Thursday, January 30, 2014.


  1. Way to go Arie!!! So many hours of entertainment. I really like this one:

    but of course this is my favorite due to how accurately you portrayed the character:

    (sorry, I don't know how to make links look like words that you just click on to go to the page)

  2. THOR.

    Wow, five years! That's impressive! I started a blog myself last year...

    Anyway, my favorite comic was the Return Appointment. The way he says it makes you feel like ducking!

  3. I hadn't seen the brother of Jared family group sheet before. I can not stop laughing. out. loud. Thanks!

  4. I am also laughing at the pedigree chart for the Brother of Jared. I love your work! and your sister Jena.

  5. I don't remember when I started following Mormon Cartoonist, but I've enjoyed my time here . . . my favourite of your cartoons is one you shared last summer I remember it well because it resonated so much with me. Back when I was a 4th year, we (the 4th years in the stake) were split into 3 groups: those who were hiking enthusiasts, those who were not quite so enthusiastic, and then the 3rd group was the non-hikers. I was decidedly in the 3rd group. Well, we took our supposedly easy hike, only we ended up taking a wrong turn somewhere, and our hike ended up being longer and MORE arduous than the highest level hikers' hike was. I've since moved away from my hometown, but have a sneaking suspicion that the great 'Hell Hike' of 1990 might still strike fear into the hearts of unsuspecting 4th years near Seattle. *grin*
    Congrats on your 5 year blogiversary! :)

  6. Joyeux anniversaire! I started to follow you last year in May (if I remember correctly...) and so far, the gags I prefered were:
    The tracting bingo:
    and his follow-up:
    And of course, the meeting with "the radgety Doctor":

    And just so you know, I'm sure you will be able to come up with many more gags in the future. Just think about all the LDS living in other countries!
    Have a nice week-end! Bises from a french mom expat in Germany.

  7. I have to go with your Celestial Math Comic, and frankly I am a bit disappointed it wasn't in your top 5.

  8. Without going back, my favourite cartoon is the one where the Elders are arranging an appointment with Doctor Who for the previous week.But you know I like Doctor Who... :)

    I like the Jared family history one too, but he really ought to know his brother's name is Mahonri Moriancumer. It was in an Adult Sunday School lesson a couple of years back (at the end of the Book of Mormon course).

  9. Welcome to Babel, Golden Calf, and Brother of Jared are my favorites!! :)

  10. Congratulations on five years! There have been a lot of excellent gags, but my two favorites are the snowman family jello and the golden calf. Keep up the great work!

  11. We are big Star Wars fans in our home (And big fans of yours, too!) So one we really like the gags with Jabba the Hutt and the one with C3P0 teaching wookie!

  12. My favorite is missonary culture night part 3. Congrats on 5 years!

  13. I like the one depicting the EQP surreptitiously inserting the words "home teaching" throughout a talk about Satan's use of subliminal messages.

  14. Hooray! 5 yrs! Burying tools of chore - great one! Also, the one about the sisters that don't even look like each other...clever.
