Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mission Preparation

Just remember, missionaries: you don't have to be faster than the dog, just faster than your companion.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Book of Mormons Repeat

As you might remember, the Deseret News is publishing one of my missionary comics strips every week. This has been a hugely rewarding experience for me. Not only has it been the culmination of a childhood dream, I've also experienced a number of firsts: I got my first hate mail* a few weeks ago as a result of the newspaper and this weekend I was treated to my first brush with celebrity!

On Friday, Donny Osmond posted a scanned picture of today's strip on his Facebook timeline and wrote, "I was just sent this cartoon and thought it was hilarious! Thought you would find it amusing as well."

Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty cool right now.

*It's probably a stretch to call it hate mail. It's more like slightly annoyed over grammatical error mail.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Charity Never Faileth

There sure are a lot of girls' names that double up as qualities used to describe girls: Charity, Faith, Hope, etc. I've often wondered why this practice doesn't extend to boys. I suspect the reason is that nobody wants to name their son Glutenous, Lazy, or Sloven. Anyway, today's gag--pulled from the out-of-print Mormon Life*--considers one of the unfortunate byproducts of such names.

*You can tell it's out of print by it's going price on Amazon. They're asking $25 for it! (They're also asking $984.37 for the equally out-of-print A-Maze-ing Book of Mormon. I've got 150 copies of that one in my basement. If they ever find a market for it at that price, I'll be rich!)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Message of Love

This is a case where the messenger needs to listen to the message a bit closer.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Benefits Package

It's a good thing that we don't treat church callings more like employment opportunities.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Lucky Day

I really ought to be posting this one on Friday the thirteenth.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Repeat the Mormons

The creative mind behind today's gag, which considers sequel ideas for Meet the Mormons, comes from faithful reader Molly S. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to include all of her proposed sequels in today's gag. Those sequels include:
  • Cheat the Mormons: There's a reason we don't gamble.
  • Wall Street the Mormons: What happens after LDS Business College.
  • Peat the Mormons: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints looks into nonrenewable energy sources.
  • Discrete the Mormons: Missionaries are more like the Secret Service than ever!
  • Backstreet the Mormons: Show 'em what you're made of.
  • Eat the Mormons: The G-rated horror movie that's fun for the whole family!
Great job, Molly!

Just a reminder: today is the last day to sign up to the Mormon Cartoonist Activity Page Newsletter to be guaranteed the first issue delivered to inboxes tomorrow.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Who are Those Guys?

Just a reminder, there's still time to sign up for the Mormon Cartoonist Activity Page Newsletter. The first issue will be emailed out Friday.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Introducing the Mormon Cartoonist Activity Page Newsletter

This is just one of ten pages that can be yours if you sign up with the Mormon Cartoonist Activity Page Newsletter.
For the past six years, I've loved posting my gags and strips to this blog. It's been a fun way to share and stretch my talent. And I've loved the feedback and friends I've made doing it. Most of all, I've enjoyed celebrating my faith in a fun way.*

But as I've highlighted my missionary strips and single-panel gags, I've ignored another huge aspect of my cartooning on this site. My work has been featured in dozens of issues of the Friend, I've published two books with 90+ activity pages, and I've done over a hundred coloring book pages for the LDS Coloring Book app; and yet outside of a conference packet featured twice a year, none of my activity pages or puzzles are featured on this website.

To rectify this situation, I'm introducing the Mormon Cartoonist Activity Page Newsletter. Please notice the banner to the right of this post.** By signing up with this newsletter, you'll receive a printable activity page every week that you can use in your primary class, as a sacrament meeting quiet page, or a supplement to a Family Home Evening lesson!

As an incentive to sign up, I'm offering a ten-page New Testament scripture heroes package to anyone who registers in the next week. The first newsletter will be delivered to inboxes on Friday, January 9.

*And a wholly appropriate way, too. We don't call it the Great Plan of Happiness for nothing.

**I know it's ugly, I'll try to pretty it up in the days to come.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Scooby Gang

Zoinks, it's 2015! Thanks for sticking with this website for six years now!

This being New Year's Day and all, I've made a resolution I'd like to share with you: I want to provide more content on this website. So, please tune in tomorrow for a major announcement.