Monday, November 27, 2017

Word of Wisdom

Today's strip is as close to autobiographical as they come. Growing up in sheltered Utah County, I was seldom exposed to cigarette smoke (Utah County currently has the third lowest smoking percentage rate in the United States). As a result, the amount of second-hand smoke I took in as a young missionary was at a level I never came close to experience before.


  1. I had a friend who said that the sweetest smell was the scent of tobacco from someone in the chapel. It meant that somebody was trying to turn their life around.

  2. I've never smoked but my husband did. Within 6 months of my joining the church he'd quit - and I never said a word! That's a real miracle...

    1. What a neat story (and what a great husband).

    2. Indeed he is a great husband! He calls himself 'Mormon friendly' and agrees with most of the church's teaching, yet prefers 'his scriptures straight' as he puts it (i.e. the Holy Bible alone). Yet he is very supportive of my membership, makes sure I get to church on Sundays and (as I don't write longhand) even fills out my tithing slips for me.
