
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tournament of Champions Day Five

Today you are voting on possibly the two oddest entries in the tournament of champions. I'm excited to see who you've got.

Four Seed. To appreciate this joke, you have to know popular Latter-day Saint artists Arnold Friberg and Minerva Teichert. Friberg drew all of his characters larger than life (I would love to have the physic of Nephi's kid brother) while Teichert did not. (First published April 25, 2013)

Thirteen Seed. This one is just weird. But in a good way. I'd like to think it's got a Gary Larson vibe to it. (First published July 20, 2017)

Leave your vote (and your name) in the comment section. Check back tomorrow for more.


  1. Definitely Seed Four! Personally, though, I find them both to have that unique Larsonic charm--and yes, I have seen every single Far Side strip ever made
    -Eric M. Aamodt

  2. Seed 4. I love both Friberg and Teichert, even though their styles are so different. And yes, there is a Gary Larson vibe to 13.

  3. Seed 13, It does have a Larson vibe!
    -Tim Rohwer

  4. Seed 4, but I like them both.

  5. #13. The seagull is the best part. I love his wings resting on the table.

  6. Seed 4. Definitely the hardest pairing for me to choose so far. Both are clever.

  7. Seed four all the way! - Chelsea Seal

  8. Seed four for sure. Though the other is really funny. It was great to be able to do an image search and find pictures by both artists for my children to see. Arnold Friberg also did really BUFF Canadian Mounties.

  9. The seagull is definitely funny but I vote Teichert/Friberg.

  10. Tough one but I'm voting for #4

  11. I can't vote on this one. It's too close!!!
