
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Tournament of Champions: Final Four-Day Two

The end is in sight, folks!

Ten Seed. As a newly married, I read a message from President James E. Faust where he commented that with every baby blessing he gave, he blessed the baby with a sense of humor. His reasoning was that life would be so much the more endurable with that trait. I liked the counsel so much, I made sure to include that in the subsequent blessings for my children.

Eleven Seed. I really like the way my genie turned out. He sure looks a lot better than this guy.

Cast your vote for this match up as well as yesterday's match up by 12 midnight mountain standard time tonight. And then come back tomorrow to vote on which joke will be crowned champion!


  1. 10 seed has always been my favorite.

  2. 10 seed. I feel like this would be me forgetting the baby. :)
    -Tim Rohwer

  3. That's a 10 seed for me please.

  4. Love the dig at Will Smith's genie. Ten seed please! I love the baby blessing gag! Matt H
