
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Stranger Things

Last week faithful reader swordmas73er called me out for my failure to include a Stranger Things comic the day season 3 dropped. Today's comic is my attempt to make amends.

Interestingly enough Stranger Things has already included two references of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.* I'm sure it won't be long before this scene is played out.**

*In season 2, Max tells her scary big brother that she was talking with Mormons at her door in order to protect Lucas from a thumping. And in season 3, Dustin tells his friends that he has a girlfriend from science camp who is Mormon from Utah. (Dustin describes Latter-day Saints as "super-religious white people.")

**Since this is all taking place in the 1980s, I made sure to give the sister missionaries era-appropriate clothing--check out those shoulder pads! 


  1. It’s your attention to detail that makes your comics the best: like those shoulder pads and 80’s wood paneling.

    1. Thanks, Jena. Being an informative time of my life, the 80s are forever etched into my mind.
