
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bracket Buster?

Given the news that the NBA just postponed their season and that the NCAA tournament will be played without fans (if it is played at all), this joke might not work in a day or two.

For most of us the coronavirus became much more real the last couple of days. Just Wednesday alone, the Church announced General Conference will be conducted remotely (among other changes), actor Tom Hanks confirmed he and his wife tested positive for the virus, and Donald Trump grounded most U.S. flights to and from Europe. Be careful out there, everyone.

Today's clever gag comes from faithful reader Ray P.


  1. The NCAA just cancelled its basketball tournament over concerns with COVID-19. I've had plenty of jokes become outdated over the years, but this is the first one to become so within 24 hours.

    Be safe, everyone.

  2. It got Worse, Church is cancelled now. Way to force the Home Centered Church guys!
